Raidol is a non-binary singer from the Amazon who brings strong influences from the cultural rhythms of northern Brazil into his pop music. His debut album explores themes like identity, religious syncretism, and the experiences of an LGBTQIAP+ youth in a brazilian metropolis. The title “Mandinga” refers to a request or prayer—something done to achieve a desire. The album cover, rich in ritualistic elements, represents faith and surrender, featuring smoke as a religious symbol and typography that interacts with this element.
In addition to the album, a short film was produced that tells the journey of a young person navigating between religion and the exploration of their sexuality, with the songs serving as the soundtrack.
Raidol, cantor não-binário da Amazônia, traz em sua música pop forte influência dos ritmos culturais do norte do Brasil. Seu álbum de estreia aborda temas como identidade, sincretismo religioso e as vivências de um jovem LGBTQIAP+ em uma metrópole brasileira. O título “Mandinga” refere-se a um pedido ou prece, algo feito para alcançar um desejo. A capa do álbum, marcada pelo ritualismo, representa fé e entrega, com a fumaça como símbolo religioso e a tipografia interagindo com esse elemento.
Além do álbum, foi produzido um curta-metragem que narra a jornada de um jovem entre a religião e a exploração de sua sexualidade, com as músicas servindo como trilha sonora.
Creative Direction:
Raidol, Vinny Araújo
Art Direction:
Vinny Araújo
Rafaela de Prada
Duda Santana
Raidol is a non-binary singer from the Amazon who brings strong influences from the cultural rhythms of northern Brazil into his pop music. His debut album explores themes like identity, religious syncretism, and the experiences of an LGBTQIAP+ youth in a brazilian metropolis. The title “Mandinga” refers to a request or prayer—something done to achieve a desire. The album cover, rich in ritualistic elements, represents faith and surrender, featuring smoke as a religious symbol and typography that interacts with this element.
In addition to the album, a short film was produced that tells the journey of a young person navigating between religion and the exploration of their sexuality, with the songs serving as the soundtrack.
Graphic Design
Creative Direction:
Raidol, Vinny Araújo
Art Direction:
Vinny Araújo
Rafaela de Prada
Duda Santana