Pride Everyday

June 28th is LGBTQIAP+ Pride Day, but the cause goes far beyond a single day. That’s why we created #PrideEveryday with Quem Disse Berenice: a calendar built in partnership with various LGBTQIAP+ individuals, highlighting important dates for the community, to remind us that every day is a day of pride and to promote inclusion and representation throughout the year, not just during Pride Month in June.

The calendar will be sold, and all proceeds will be donated to projects within the community. Additionally, the brand aims to promote inclusion, support the community, and advance education and awareness.

“Freedom is our essence. It is very natural for us to amplify actions around diversity. Continuing to believe in freedom means supporting and giving visibility to people so they can be free to be who they want to be, and this includes questioning the discourses that delegitimize those who live without their full rights,” says Renata Gomide, Director of Branding and Brand Communication at Boticário Group.


Quem Disse Berenice


Art Direction
Graphic Design








Creative Direction:
Isabela Marangoni

Head of Design:
Roma Martins

Art Direction:
Rafaela de Prada, Lucas Andrade, Lucas Ramos

Graphic Design:
Gabriel Gahesa

Making of Photos:
Roma Martins